The 3 Things You Must Have to Start and Build a $50,000–$100,000 Online Business in the Next 6-12 Months
Don't let the Simplicity of this fool you.
I’ve done this many times for myself and for others, and I know for a fact it works. Please be willing to keep your mind open and give it a try.
Don’t just read and tell yourself, ‘I already know this’... Instead, take time to actually implement!
Let’s start...
There are only 3 core things you need to build an online business. Most of you already got the first two parts; you just don’t realize it.
To make money online, you must first build a tribe. Secondly, you must nurture that tribe. And finally, you must sell to that tribe.
I’ll break each of the 3 steps down below:
If you’re already on platforms like Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, chances are you already got a following of people (this is what I call a ‘Tribe’). A tribe is a phrase used to describe a group or a community of people with similar interests.
You’ll find there are Facebook groups for all sorts of things like ball room dancing, smoothie recipes, vegetarian meal plans, extreme cars, real estate, self-improvement and so on.
The same applies to YouTube as well. You’ll find various channels on gardening, cooking, living abroad, stock investing, real estate investing, and so on.
Tribe building is the key foundation to building your online business. The more people in your tribe, the more money you can earn. The more opportunity for sponsors to seek you out to pay you to highlight or promote their stuff. The more people in your tribe, opportunities for speaking will start popping up ...
On one of my channels, I have almost 100,000 subscribers ... It ain't a lot, but I've had sooo many opportunities come my way because of my reach. You don't need 1 million subscribers to do well. Sponsors and partnerships are arranged due to the sharp focus of your tribe.
If you're into vegetarian dog treats, and you only have 50,000 subscribers, these natural pet food companies want you ... They want you because those 50,000 subscribers are tightly niched down to vegetarian dog treats. These companies want to get in front of your people because you can influence them (influencer)
If your tribe isn't niched or focused down to a specific niche or interests, that's okay. It's easy to build a tribe.
The key to making this work is to determine what your interests are. Once you know that answer, it’s easy to start building.
What do you like to talk about? What are your hobbies? What interests or specialized knowledge do you possess? What do you enjoy sharing?
Look at your Facebook or Instagram posts. What are people responding to most on your pages? What topics get the most comments or likes? What posts get shared the most? What are those posts talking about?
For example, I have 2 cousins that are always posting photos of their meals, cakes, cookies, and food. People go nuts over it; often begging them to ship the meals to them in the mail, lol.
People are always saying they should open a restaurant. They’re always asking for their recipes.
These people are throwing out ‘buying signals’ … If they had something to sell, they could likely earn some cash from something they already love doing anyway…
A brother-in-law of mine is always posting photos of these humongous fish he catches. And he always has an amazing story to go along with the catch.
I get jealous sometimes because I'm wondering why I can’t ever catch a small fish, lol.
When you have people following you and responding to your posts, it's a good indication you already have a tribe.
As your tribe grows, you'll want to start ‘nurturing your tribe’, which leads us to the 2nd core thing you need to build an online business.
To keep your tribe engaged, you must nurture it. In this example, nurturing is all about building a personal connection or bond.
Each time you post and share photos and videos, or even when you post and share personal stories happening in your life, you’re nurturing the friendship/relationship.
I often share personal successes and losses to build onto that connection. These stories tend to show I’m human and it shows I’m just like them.
By showing pics of my kids, or if you are posting pics of your pets, you're allowing people into your world. Nurturing can be a game-changer if you're intentional about how you implement this into your business.
At the end of the day, people buy from people they know, like and trust.
Nurturing a relationship with your tribe is a key component to making all of this work. All 3 components must work harmoniously to get you the best results.
The 3rd core part to building an online business is the one that keeps most people from making money online ... It's usually a mental block that causes the problem.
In order to make money online, you MUST have something to sell … Periodttt!
And whether you believe this or not; you can easily come up with something to sell fairly quick.
It’s often a mindset issue here. Not believing you’re good enough, or not believing you have anything of value; or believing no one will pay you for what you know.
For the record, that’s all hogwash – you have plenty of value to sell and I’ll reveal some options in a moment.
The other prime reason people don’t buy is because people in general are afraid to sell. So while there are lots of people who do have stuff to sale, they’re often too scared to make an offer.
Without offers, no one buys.
What’s surprising is if you simply have something to offer that’s relevant to what you’re doing, people will oftentimes buy it … but gotta make the offer.
What can you sell?
Consultations. This is the simplest and fastest way to monetize your website and/or services. All you have to do is add a consultation link on your menu, and now you're offering consultations, lol.
It's that easy. You'd be shocked at how many people will sign-up.
This is often the first thing I suggest all creators and experts do.
Just add the darn link to your page, write up a few paragraphs about what they'll get, and how much time (45-minutes, 60-minutes, whatever ... and put a buy button on the page and bam ... That's it.
When I first started doing this, I charged like $75 bucks for 1-hour...
As my experience and confidence grew, I increased it to $95, then $195, and now, depending on the services I'm consulting about, I charge as much as $777 for 1-hour of my time (and it generally includes 1 follow-up telephone call).
Give people the option to decide if they want to speak with you for an hour.
Let them say No ... But don't you dare say no for them!
Just add the link and prove me wrong.
Yep ... People will buy an e-book. And this is pretty easy to package up.
For example, if you make smoothies or bake cookies or make incredible vegan dishes, people will pay to get their hands on your recipes/formulas.
I already know what you’re thinking … “I can get free recipes online”.
And yes, that is true. But a lot of people don’t want regular recipes. I follow a lady who is on a raw vegan diet. She lost over 150 pounds in one-year by transitioning to this raw vegan diet.
I ended up buying her meal plan which consisted of the recipes she eats each day. I didn’t wanna find and look for just any old recipes. I wanted the recipes SHE was eating. I knew they worked for her and I wanted hers.
And that’s how it’ll work for you …
This lady was no guru. She's not even famous and has a small following. She’s a regular mom who just shared her journey of weight loss through eating a plant based diet.
I found her on Instagram and followed her for less than a week and then I bought her stuff. Now I join and watch her Facebook lives she host each week for members. In those videos, she gives tips and answer questions for newbies like me trying to transition to this lifestyle!
It's weird when you realize how simple this is … Think about it. The week prior, I had no idea who this woman was. I simply did a search and somehow I found her online and became a part of her tribe!
She then nurtured the relationship by sharing recipes and sharing her weight loss journey…
I was able to see her before and after photos. I left comments and asked questions, to which she answered…
A few days later, she made an offer. She simply offered a plan of what to eat each week, along with the recipes and a simple shopping list to go buy my groceries and I instantly bought!
Like I said, this works for almost anything if you follow the process.
Back to my brother-in-law ... If you’re catching big fish all the time, and dudes like me can’t ever catch anything, make an offer to bring folks fishing with you …
There are a lot of people who don’t know how to fish. Clearly, I don’t because I can’t ever catch anything when I go out.
If you offer to take these people out and teach them the basics to fishing, people will happily pay and go with you… You just need to make the offer.
Don't overthink this ... Don't try to make excuses about how this won't work for you. I'm asking you to simply trust the process.
If you have a special or unique way of doing something, pull out your phone and record it … Make a simple tutorial showing them how to do the thing. And make an offer and watch who’ll buy.
Just make an offer of some sort and watch what happens. You’ll be blown away at the response.
From just ONE ebook I wrote some years ago, I sold $3.5 million dollars’ worth… It’s probably closer to $4 million now.
It all started with me writing it. It only took me a couple hours… I then made an offer and people started buying it.
I initially sold it for $17 bucks.
People started asking more questions and I added the answers to the ebook; and then I sold it for $27, then $37 and so on.
And just so you know, an ebook is simply a Microsoft word document converted into a PDF file … That’s it. Seriously!
It doesn’t even have to be fancy; people just want the information.
I eventually took the information that was in the ebook and repackaged the same information with me talking in front of a video camera, and raised the price to $379 and sold it as a video course (video has a higher perceived value than an ebook, so I was able to get more money for it).
It really works … You just have to trust the process and try it for yourself.
So do yourself (and me) a favor and make an offer today and see what happens...
And because I practice what I preach, I’m going to make you an offer too ... LOL
Hop on the phone with me and let’s discuss your ideas.
We’ll talk for 45-minutes to an hour and dig deep to find out and discuss what your interests and options are; if you already have something semi-working, I’ll answer any questions you might have, and will take a look at what you got to see how we can make it work better.
After the phone call, I’ll write up a customized 8-week action plan for you to follow. It’ll outline the steps you’ll need to build your own online business.
You’ll have the plan to follow as a guide and you can do it all yourself, or you can choose to work with me in my exclusive Protege 500 coaching program as I help you go through all the steps as your coach to help you build your business.
Most people fail because they have no plan … You’ll be getting a customized plan from someone whose being doing this for the last 20-years, and from someone whose built multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses for myself and others in all sorts of niches.
This 1-hour deep-dive call with a customized blueprint outlined by me usually costs $777. If you schedule today, I’ll knock $382.00 off and you only pay $395 right now.
You’ll be talking directly with me during this deep-dive call – This alone is worth the $395. You’d usually be talking to someone else on my team, but for this month, you get me if you book NOW…
The blueprint is where you’ll get the real value from. I’ll be the one writing your plan of action based on my real-world experience and expertise. I can see things you won’t know to look for.
Sign-up now by clicking the button below:
Read one of my favorite testimonials below ... This client straight rocked it!!!
"I had a hard time believing anyone would buy my course..."
Cartess Ross and his team helped me put together my very first real estate investor course.
I have been buying and selling real estate for over 20 years. I know all the ins and outs of the real estate game. With all of the well-known real estate gurus on T.V., and those with books and $20,000 coaching programs, I had a hard time believing anyone would buy my course.
Why would they? They don't know me.
But Cartess convinced me my knowledge and my outlook on real estate would appeal to a certain subgroup of folks that the real estate gurus would never reach.
He was right.
One of my first customers was a professor at a university up North. When I initially talked to the guy, I was surprised.
Why would a college professor be asking me for advice about real estate? I didn't go to college. I was just a regular guy.
A few days after that conversation with the professor, his order came through.
YES. He bought my course.
No matter what I thought about the situation, Cartess showed me how to position myself as an expert.
When this professor came to my website and started to learn from my free material, he viewed me as an expert. He felt I could help him buy his first piece of real estate.
The same scenario played out when a guy from the Air Force called to join my coaching program.
At the time, I was charging $2,000.00 to help people get their first real estate deal within 30-days.
He bought without hesitation.
I finally got the confidence and have drastically increased my prices since the beginning days.
If you want someone who breaks this technical stuff into a simple and easy to understand process, there is no one better than the man himself, Mr. Ross.
He's very patient and will show you the way.
He will get in your grill and press you, so if you're lazy and make excuses, he won't hear it.
I needed someone who believed in me and stayed on my butt.
Jackie Wilson,
Real Estate Investing Coach