A Simple Course Idea Easily Worth 6-Figures Per Year

I remember when my old neighbor invited our family down to Sliders restaurant on Amelia Island some year ago to watch him perform. He was an amazing guitar player and singer.

He had the attention of the audience from the moment he plucked the first string on his guitar.

Because my brain never shuts off when it comes to figuring out how to monetize something, I got the idea that he should teach others how to book these local gigs to perform at local bars, restaurants and other events.

Based on conversations with him, he gets paid quite well to come out and perform for a few hours and he collects tips from people walking up and dropping money in the ‘bucket’.

I thought this was ripe for a great course.

I approached him to do a partnership deal where I’d build the website, handle all the marketing to get folks to the website to buy the course, and help him put together a curriculum, and package it all up.

While he seemed excited by the idea, I just could never get him onboard to do it. Oftentimes, people don’t think it’s real or possible; so they do nothing.

I believed a course like this could easily bring in $50,000 – $100,000 a year in revenue.

*TIP: If you feel you don’t have a course inside of you to teach, take a look at your neighbors, friends and relatives and try to determine what skill-sets they have and try to partner with them to create a course just like I tried to do with this guy. Not everyone will say yes, but many will.

I bring this up because if any of you have any musical talents and you perform at local events or restaurants, this is a course you could put together.

Other artists and performers would love to learn how to do this, and you could be the one teaching them.

The other day, while I was in downtown Greenville, SC, I saw a couple of guys rack up a ton of money playing the violin on the sidewalk (play video below):

Unique ways to earn money during the holidays. In Downtown Greenville SC and this was the second musician I saw … The first one was playing Christmas songs with a saxophone. Use your talents and skill sets as a platform to earn revenue. Learn how at http://www.SourceCodeToFreedom.com #sourcecode #cartessross

Posted by Cartess Ross on Sunday, November 26, 2017

Believe me when I say these guys were racking it up… Even I managed to throw a few dollars at them.

We later went to go eat some Indian food and when we came out 90 minutes later, they were still there attracting a big crowd and getting paid.

So not only can you hit up the local pub and bars, but you can apparently do very well on side of the road, or at a beach, or probably in the middle of the street!

This too is a course idea for someone to create…


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